White Mausu produce a range of flavoursome sauces inspired by flavours from Japan, China and Korea that you can drizzle, dollop and dip.

Founded by two cooks Katie and Jasper who love creating food that makes people happy. 30 years in the making spent messing with recipes, burning things and bunging way too much chilli in until they got it just right.

Their journey began when Kate and Jasper teamed up to turn a boatshed on Ireland’s West Coast into a seaweed restaurant, to taking the next step and renting a stall at the Dublin Flea Market, selling a rāyu without a name or labels to what it is today a company flourishing with a brand and customers.

Mausu believe that businesses should be the force of good and stive to do better for the environment and their people. The glass Jars are fully recyclable and the labels on the jars are compostable.


Why stock Mausu?

  • Packed full of flavour
  • Gluten free
  • Vegan friendly options