Oat Avenue was launched in 2020 by a couple – Iva and Thiviyan. Lockdown during 2020 inspired Iva and Thiviyan to get more creative in the kitchen. They became so obsessed with oats that for months & months hours spent creating oat everything - oat milk, oat flour, oat cookies, oat crust pizza’s, etc. Then one day they thought “how about we try and make an oat butter?”

They roasted some granola, blended it in their Vitamix and that’s how granola butter was born. Just like that, they created a product that the market was missing - the first spreadable granola in the UK.

Oat Avenue was created to explore the many joys of oats! Oat Avenue’s granola butter is top 14 allergen free and it’s suitable for everyone regardless of their dietary requirements and it’s also school friendly. Our granola butter is also high in fibre, free from refined sugar and palm oil free.

It can be used on toast, on porridge, on pancakes, in baking, or straight from the jar.

We have 4 flavours – original, chocolate, raspberry and chai spiced. The original flavour won 3 stars from the Great Taste Awards in 2022.

Why Stock Oat Avenue? 

  • UK’s first granola butter

  • Top 14 Allergen free

  • High in fibre